Teknokroma : 


QuEchers : 

The name QuEChERS, which stands for Quick, Easy, Cleap, Effective, Rugged and Safe, is an effective system for determining pesticide residues in fruits, vegetables and other foods.

The QuEChERS method is a dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) system that involves two stages, a first extraction stage, followed by a cleaning or Clean-up phase of the extract, by dispersive solid phase extraction.

SPE Solid Phase Extraction: 

Teknokroma introduces in the market the Finisterre™ line of Solid Phase Extraction columns for a fast and efficient sample clean-up and concentration prior to analysis through GC, HPLC, and/or other instrumental methods.

SPE method concentrates and purifies analytes from solution by adsorption onto a disposable solid phase cartridge, followed by elution of the analyte with an appropriate solvent for instrumental analysis.
The Finisterre™ SPE columns improve sample purity, quantification, and HPLC column life.

Vacuum Manifold for SPE & accessories :

Teknokroma vacuum manifolds simplify SPE sample processing.
These manifolds permit consistent extraction and filtration results.
Analyst can save time, since these manifolds allow simultaneous multiple sample processing.
The manifolds consist of a clear glass chamber to which vacuum is applied to draw a sample through on SPE column,
cartridge, or disk.
Adjustable racks placed in the glass vacuum chamber will accommodate a variety of sample collection vessels,
including test tubes, autosamplers, vials, volumetric flasks, and Erlenmeyer flasks.
Eluants are deposited directly into the collection vessel of choice via polypropylene, optional stainless steel,
or Teflon needles.
Vacuum manifolds for SPE sample preparation, filtration, and elution are available in 12, 16, and 24 port configurations.
Port Vacuum Manifold complete set include: Glass chamber, cover gasket & 12 stopcocks, vacuum valve and gauge,
colections racks plates (13 mm, 16 mm tubes, volumetric flask, plate base, plate dimple, lid legs, propilene needles, retaining clips for collections racks.

Super Clean Gas Filters

The carrier gas must contain less than 1 ppm of oxygen, moisture or other contaminants to prevent column degradation, increase lifetime and decrease stationary phase bleed.

Super Clean gas filters will definitely contribute to achieve this purity and obtain chromatographic results free of ghost peaks, allowing the analysis of trace compounds. They will reduce the time and cost of equipment maintenance.

The advantages of using gas line purifiers with a base plate make changing filters quick and easy. Cartridges can be changed without introducing oxygen. Spring-loaded check valves seal when a filter is removed and open only when a new filter has been locked in place. It is no longer necessary to loosen and tighten fittings every time a trap is changed, preventing your system from becoming contaminated in the process.



• High impurity holding capacity

• Trap provides 99.9999% purity output gas

• Quick connect" system facilitates quick and safe cartridge replacement

• Glass inside to prevent diffusion of contaminants and plastic outside for safety

• Recyclable or renewable materials

• Trap exhausted indicator.

• Helium and hydrogen specific traps available



Vacuum pump : 





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Amman 11821,PO. Box 3561 Jordan



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Email: info@salsabeel-jo.com


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